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Frequently asked questions

1. Do you have to pre-register for a class?                                                                  Our studio spaces are accessible for up to 15 people per class in Rotterdam.

To guarantee a place, you must reserve it or secure it via a monthly subscription.   


2. Can I participate if I have never taken a Yoga class?                                                                    

Yes, you are welcome from 12 years and older. All Yoga poses are explained with adjustments for beginners.

Keep in mind that the Ashtanga Yoga classes are physically intensive and that people have a basic stamina

must have.


3. Do you have to be flexible to practice Yoga?                                                                                                              

No, luckily not. Someone who can put his foot on his neck is not a better Yogi than someone who hardly knows...

straight legs can bring the hands below the knees. The appearance of a Yoga posture is not important, but the invisible is. What you feel inside, the concentration and the breathing. Practicing Yoga regularly will  make your body more flexible, more agile and stronger to the maximum achievable for your body. Every person is unique. The golden rule in Yoga is to always listen to your body and do what feels right for you.


4. What do you need for a Yoga class?                                                                                                                 

Wear clean, comfortable clothes. Take off your (large) jewelry and watch. We work barefoot.

Bring a towel, socks and a training vest to keep you warm during the relaxation at the end of the class.


5. Food and drink                                                                                                                                              

Try not to eat until 2 hours before class.  If this doesn't work, at least try to eat lightly. This is to prevent digestive problems. Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day. You can always drink some water before class. It is also useful to take the time to pee it out.


6. Injuries                                                                                                                                                          

Do you have an injury? Let us know. The teacher can take this into account and alternatives for certain postures  hand over.


7. Pregnancy

Let us know when you are pregnant. Were you already on the mat weekly before your pregnancy, you can continue from us

keep going with the  Yoga classes . MindBodyFlow is suitable for the last months of your pregnancy. The teacher

will possibly go through some adjusted postures with you. Always consult with your doctor and/or midwife whether Yoga supports and not hinders your body during the course of your pregnancy.


8. Fragrances

It is quite normal that we perspire during class. A clean cotton shirt or sports top and avoiding 

For example, lots of garlic with food helps to keep the personal scent pure. Your breathing and that of others

Yogis don't become this way  hindered.


9. Menstrual Cycle

Respect the cycle of your body,  take it easy during your period if you feel any discomfort.


10. Listen to yourself

Do not forget that it is about your Yoga development. Physically, emotionally and spiritually you get an overview and you go stronger

become. Distinguish between ambition and enthusiasm. Orphan  patient and attentive because  Yoga is the best

way to rediscover yourself. Try to focus on what you are doing on the mat and not on what your neighbor is doing.





Studio address 

Beijingstraat 7

3072JZ Rotterdam

Near Rijnhaven Station

Side street Brede Hilledijk and /

or Maashaven North side


Move Along Studio  BV

Chamber of Commerce 56567316


VAT NO. 852189989.B01



IBAN: NL64INGB0006411344  


©2022 by Move Along Studio BV




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